Popcorn is one of the most popular snack foods out there. One of its appeals is that you can easily fix a delicious bowl of hot, fresh popcorn in your own kitchen, perfect for settling down in front of the tv to watch a game or for movie night. The only problem is deciding how to prepare it, and then how to season it for a tasty and healthy treat! 360 Cookware’s Apollo Popcorn Popper will help you make the most of this low-cost and versatile snack.
Why Popcorn is a Great Choice in a Healthy Diet
Popcorn can easily be included in a healthy diet: just as with any food, it’s all about how you prepare and serve it, and keeping your consumption at a moderate level. Let’s review some of the health benefits of eating popcorn!
3 cups of popcorn provides 10% of your daily required fiber, most of it insoluble, which improves gut health, and can assist in maintaining regular bowel movements. The soluble fiber in popcorn can lower bad cholesterol levels.
Popcorn can help control your appetite, because it’s bulky and easily absorbs liquid in your gut, expanding even more and leaving you feeling full.
Popcorn has a high level of antioxidants, which benefit your heart and brain and can lessen inflammation.
This doesn’t mean that you should eat popcorn every day, or chow down huge quantities when you do indulge. Because it’s pretty low in essential nutrients, if you regularly fill up on popcorn instead of more nutrient-dense foods, you won’t be getting everything you need to maintain your health.
The other problem with popcorn is the stuff we add to it, whether it’s in the popping process, or added as toppings. Too often this snack gets loaded up with fat and sugars, which can quickly add unnecessary calories.
However, popcorn is a delicious, beneficial snack when prepared in a healthy manner and eaten in moderation. We’re here to show you the best ways to pop and season this treat!
Ways of Popping
Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn seems like magic. You place a flat package of kernels in the microwave, and a couple of minutes later, you’ve got a big bag full of steaming-hot, fluffy popcorn, already seasoned and ready to eat! What could possibly be wrong with this method of preparing a quick snack?
Well, lots, as it turns out. When you indulge in a bag of microwave popcorn, you’re exposing yourself to more than 40 different chemicals.
First, the microwave package probably contains PFAs, or forever chemicals, that leach into the popcorn and end up in your body. In fact, one study found that people who ate microwave popcorn every day had up to 63% higher levels of PFAs in their blood. And since PFAs have been linked to many adverse health outcomes, using these microwave packages is not a good idea.
Next, microwave popcorn comes pre-seasoned with oils and flavorings. The oils, such as palm oil, are usually unhealthy saturated fats that you should be avoiding in your diet. As well, manufacturers tend to use high amounts of salt. We already get too much sodium in our diets, which can cause high blood pressure, leading to heart attacks and stroke.
Finally, that bag of butter-flavored popcorn can be a real problem. Manufacturers sometimes use a fake butter flavor made with the chemical diacetyl, which is toxic when heated to a vapor- as in the steam wafting out of that bag!
Hot Air Popper
The hot air popcorn popper is a popular alternative to microwave popcorn. All you do is pour the kernels into the hopper, turn it on, and the popped corn comes pouring out. Sounds perfect! It’s a fat-free, chemical-free treat, ready to eat, clocking in at only 30 calories per cup.
However, because there’s no fat used at all in popping the corn, it can be pretty tasteless, with a texture that some people compare to Styrofoam packing peanuts. You can add seasonings after popping, but they’re not going to stick to the kernels without adding some moisture. Spritzing with water can make them soggy, and spraying oil or butter defeats the purpose of making a low-fat treat.
Stovetop Popper
Popcorn prepared in a stovetop popper can give you the best of both worlds. Rather than using a pre-packaged microwave popcorn, you can control the type and quantity of oil that you add. Oil isn’t a bad thing when used in moderation, especially when you’ve chosen a healthy one such as avocado or canola oil. A small amount of fat can increase your feeling of satiety and actually cut down on how many calories you consume.
You can also limit the amount of salt that you add, or add your preferred herbs and spices right in the pot. When the kernels are popped with the seasonings, the end result is a more flavorful and satisfying snack than what you’d get from a hot air popper.
How to Use the Apollo Popper

There are many stovetop poppers on the market, but 360 Cookware’s Apollo Popper is the last one you’ll ever need. Handcrafted in the USA from surgical steel, you don’t have to stir or shake the pot to get a pan full of delicious popcorn in just a few minutes!
Use up to a half-cup of unpopped kernels per batch. Before adding them to the pot, fill up the measuring cup of kernels with oil or melted butter until it reaches the top. Then, pour it all into the Apollo Popper, turn on the heat, and wait for the popping to start. When the popping slows down, remove from the heat to let it finish. Then take off the lid to enjoy a panful of fresh, healthy popcorn!
Beyond Butter and Salt
While classic buttered popcorn is always delicious, consider some different seasonings for your movie-time snack. A Za’atar mixture will give it a Middle Eastern flavor, while a quick sprinkle of fresh-grated parmesan adds some protein as well as a delicious taste. Smoked paprika, garlic powder, or ranch seasoning will also taste great. Have some fun and play around to find your favorite variations!
Popcorn is one of the easiest and best snacks you can serve to your family, and with 360 Cookware’s Apollo Popcorn Popper, you can make this treat just the way you want!